7 Natural Remedies For Eye Stye
Although an eye stye usually subsides on its own within a week or two, it is a good idea to use some easy and natural remedies to speed up the healing process and quickly relieve pain and discomfort.
If you wish to get rid of a stye promptly and painlessly, then it is worth taking a look at the following 7 simple and inexpensive ways. Below mentioned are easy and natural home remedies that will help you heal your eye stye.
#1 Green Tea/Black Tea
Soon after you are done with your morning green or black tea, you can place that warm tea bag on your stye. Ensure that the tea bag is moist, but not wet. Allow the tea bag to rest over the area of your stye for about 10 minutes.
A tea bag of green and black tea is good as it helps in decreasing inflammation. Plus, it is also power packed with natural anti-bacterial properties. Remember to throw the tea bag after each use.
#2 Cold Cucumbers
For treating stye effectively, it is always a good idea to place something cool and refreshing on the eyelids. Cold cucumber slices will do wonders for your stye as they will help by providing cool moisture that will decrease irritation and inflammation.
Take a medium-sized cucumber from your refrigerator, cut it into thin slices, and put a slice on the problem eye for ten minutes. Following this method daily for a week will help you see noticeable results.
#3 Warm Compress
Warm compress is undeniably one of the easiest and most effective natural remedies for treating a stye. All you need is a clean piece of cloth and wet it with warm water. Simply place the cloth over the eye with a stye. Allow the cloth to stay over the eye for about 15 minutes at a time. The wet warmth of the cloth will increase the circulation to the area and speed up the rupture from the stye. Furthermore, it will also help in reducing other symptoms such as swelling and pain.
#4 Turmeric
Due to its powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is truly a helpful element in getting rid of a sty quickly. Turmeric can help in reducing inflammation and also help in removing any infection-causing element that may be contributing to the condition.
Add one tablespoon of turmeric to two cups of water and boil it until the solution is reduced to half. Let the solution cool down. Then use this solution to wash the affected area twice or thrice a day for a week at least.
#5 Say No To Eye Makeup and Contact Lenses
Wearing of eye makeup should be avoided at all costs when you have a stye. Makeup will cause irritation to the eye and further aggravate the pain and discomfort. Besides, it will also transfer the bacteria and spread the infection to the other eye.
In addition to not wearing eye makeup, avoid wearing contact lenses and stick with glasses instead.
#6 Choose A Tear-Free Baby Shampoo
Keep your eyelids clean with a tear-free baby shampoo and warm water. Use a cotton swab or a clean washcloth in order to gently wipe off your eyelids. Then rinse the area with warm water. Follow this few times a day and your stye should disappear within a few days.
It is important to keep your eyelids clean as it will help prevent future styes.
#7 Use Aloe Vera
Finally, you have Aloe Vera for your rescue from styes. It is a very popular treatment due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe Vera helps in reducing swelling, redness, and inflammation, let alone speeding up the healing process.
Cut open a leaf from an aloe vera plant and extract the gel from it. Rub the gel over the infected eyelid. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing the eye with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy a few times a day for at least a week.
Final Word
The good news is that styes are pretty common and are seldom an indication of a major health concern. Plus, if you will follow the mentioned natural remedies, then you will be able to get rid of the styes in the comfort of your own home!