How to Prepare for a Micro Wedding to Celebrate Your Postponed Nuptials

2020 could be considered the worst year for the COVID 19 epidemic, which has claimed the lives of many people worldwide. In 2021, it still continues. Also, a new type of coronavirus has recently been identified in London that is spreading rapidly across the capital, and the Mayor of London has declared “major incident“, Which is not good news for the whole world. While many pharmaceutical companies have already developed and marketed vaccines, but they are either still under trial or have not yet reached all levels. However, COVID 19 is one of many reasons why people had to move their weddings last year. Whether it’s for the safety of their guests, inability to travel, travel bans, or place closures due to epidemics, you still might want to get married now while saving the big event for when everyone can attend. If you’re looking for a way to celebrate your nuptials, a micro wedding may be the answer for you.

Since many people are postponing events, the number of vendors now have more availability than in any other year. From florists and photographers to caterers and makeup artists, everyone is looking for more work to keep them busy. Even if you’re asking your vendors to change their schedules to a new wedding date, you can still find other vendors to put together an amazing wedding ASAP—even if it’s a lot smaller than you expected.

Ready to get started? Read on to learn how to prepare for a micro wedding today!

What is a Micro Wedding?

You may be wondering what a micro wedding is? It’s a pared-down version of the real thing with fewer amenities, guests, and vendors, but it’s exactly the same as a traditional wedding. The only difference is that you’re celebrating with 30 (or so) guests or less. You can still have a fancy venue, beautiful decorations, and all the vendors to make your day perfect, and you simply need to accommodate a smaller crowd. Here is how you can rearrange your postponed wedding day through our micro wedding preparation ideas.

01. Rethink About Stationary

Most of the couples were forced to cancel their wedding in 2020 due to pandemic. If you have been in the same situation and probably ordered or sent some part of your wedding stationery – either save-the-date cards, invitations, or both. All of them with the original wedding date won’t be usable if you have planned for the micro wedding in the presence of closest friends and family members. In that case, you don’t need to reprint everything. You can send follow up “change of plans” invitations or simply create e-invites for those few who are still invited. Make sure you still let everyone else know of the postponement through the same methods.

02. Keep Your Favorite Traditions

Remember that your micro wedding isn’t meant to be a celebration in the meantime, while you’re waiting for the real thing – It’s your real wedding day. Don’t let go of traditions or customs that you planned for your original wedding just because this one is a little smaller. Did you have unique plans for bridesmaids and bridal wear? Was there a special moment for the first look? Did you already write your vows? Is there a song that you simply have to use for your first dance? All of these are still important traditions to keep for your micro wedding. While there’s no point in doing some of these traditions twice, you can decide which ones you want to have now and which ones you want to leave or save for the bigger event you planned after the pandemic.

03. Think About Safe Seating

Even at a micro wedding, the safety of your guests should come first. In addition to providing hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, and maybe even cute custom face shields, you also need to give your guests enough space to social distance safely. It could be a great idea to create a round seating arrangement for both the ceremony and the dinner, so you can space guests out and ensure they all feel included. Circular seating also makes it easier to set up a live stream camera without obstructing anyone’s view of the ceremony.

04. Spoil Your Guests

Since this wedding will be celebrated in the presence of people you love and care about, put a little extra thought, effort, and money into your favorites and food. Spoil them with a fine dining menu and a well-decorated party basket to take home after this special day. Whether it’s a spa kit filled with face and body creams or a treat basket packed with delicious candies and savory snacks, you have the freedom to really customize this portion of the wedding due to the smaller guest list.

05. Show Off Your Personal Style

Has a short wedding dress been calling your name? Did you have a custom-designed necklace made for your special day? Is your groom thinking about throwing that bow tie out the window? This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your personal sense of style. You don’t have to be as rigorous following the usual wedding traditions for your micro wedding because this is truly a celebration of you as a couple instead of an event that feels the pressure of societal expectations.

06. Single Serve Food & Drinks

Another safety tip to ensure all your guests stay healthy is emphasizing single-serve food and drinks. In addition to keeping people safe, it also feels a lot more luxurious. Instead of having people line up at a bar or buffet, you’ll have servers bringing out personalized plates of food and circulating with mini water bottles and other beverages in closed containers. Pre-poured and plated food means guests have to do less work and there’s no need to wait around before enjoying your micro wedding refreshments.

07. Alternative Entertainment

You’re already giving up a lot to ensure your friends and family maintain safety protocols during your micro wedding, but you don’t have to give up all the entertainment. If dancing is out of the question, consider alternatives to keep everyone partying. One fun suggestion includes using oversized lawn games to guarantee that everyone is having a blast. Consider a massive Jenga set, Connect Four, or Cornhole to allow people to mingle in smaller groups while keeping their distance. You can even set up hand sanitizer stations, so guests can stay clean before, during, and after gaming.

08. More Dinner Party, Less Event

Once the ceremony is over and it’s time for everyone to sit down and eat, think about this portion of your micro wedding as more of a dinner party and less like a big event. You can think about your spacing and serving more intimately while still considering social distancing safety guidelines.

If you’re choosing to make your micro wedding the only wedding instead of a mini celebration before the big event, you can now reallocate many parts of your wedding budget to create something very extravagant. Scale up your flowers and decorations, create a more complex menu, and include personal touches for each guest to ensure a truly special experience.

Start Planning

Just like a regular wedding, you need to stick to a schedule, budget, and checklist for your micro wedding. Stay on track for everything when you take advantage of free resources made especially for engaged couples.

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