7 habits to practice to protect your family’s health

Family dynamics and habits make a significant impact on the health of the family. Mental and physical health can be achieved by following some simple rules. Drinking clean water, getting plenty of exercises and eating nutritious meals together with your family can lay the groundwork for physical health for a lifetime.

Practicing habits that promote good mental health are equally important. Limiting the use of technology and learning how to manage stress is the key to achieving peace. Children and adults alike benefit from healthy habits established during childhood.

01. Drink clean water.

There is nothing more important for health than drinking plenty of clean water. Many people wrongfully believe that drinking clean water is as simple as drinking from the tap or grabbing a bottled water. Unfortunately, these options aren’t good sources of pure water. Mercola reports that using filters like Fill2Pure Filters is a better alternative than tap water, bottled water, or distilled water. Using a filter to eliminate the chlorine, arsenic, traces of prescription and OTC drugs and aluminum is the best way to guarantee ongoing good health.

Drinking tap water or bottled water that is unfiltered is associated with multiple sclerosis, urinary tract infections, Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune disease, weight gain and a host of other health issues. Quality is not the only consideration. It is also important to be sure your family drinks enough water to prevent dehydration.

02. Schedule healthy activities.

When it is time for some family fun, there are many different activities to consider. You can choose to take a hike or to sit down to play a game together. While playing a board game on a rainy day is an obvious choice, taking a hike is an excellent way to enjoy some exercise in the great outdoors. Some other excellent family activities that will provide both a bonding experience and a workout are rock climbing, basketball, swimming, tennis, cycling and golf, to name a few.

Limit activities where sitting is the extent of the exertion your family will enjoy. In a world where video games are popular, it will take some discipline to resist spending too much time on the sofa in front of a TV or computer screen. While video games are certainly fun, they aren’t the preferred way to burn calories and improve your family’s health.

03. Eat more organic, healthy food and less junk food.

Granted, it is no secret that eating nutritious food is one of the most important things anyone can do for their health. The family sets the tone for nutritional habits. Children that grow up eating organic grains, vegetables and fruit instead of potato chips and cookies are more likely to continue with these positive eating habits. FamilyDoctor.org recommends eating more fruits and vegetables. Frequent small meals are also favored over larger ones.

Cake and cookies are fine for special occasions, but they should be a rare treat. Limiting high-carbohydrate foods or saturated fats as a common practice is another way to ensure continued good physical health.

04. Don’t worry about the little things.

Stress is very unhealthy and can be managed. It is far too easy to argue with your loved ones. We tend to take our stress out on other family members, worrying about insignificant things that won’t matter a week later. Agreeing to disagree can prevent hard feelings and save relationships.

Use strategies to keep your cool. Count to ten when you are tempted to blow up. Meditate to relieve stress. Try yoga as a way to unwind.

Fretting over the laundry piling up or a lost set of car keys is not worth worrying about if you want to maintain a sense of calm and peace in your life. It is always important to remember that almost all stressors in life are minor if you maintain your perspective.

05. Restrict technology usage for quality family time together.

HuffPost Life advises families to establish times together on a regular basis when a no technology rule is in place. Some families choose the dinner table, for example, as a technology free zone so that the family can discuss their day together. Another way some parents ensure that their children get enough sleep is to have a designated charging station in the house for family phones to stay overnight.

06. Establish, promote and maintain a calm and peaceful attitude.

Attitude can make all the difference in life. There is no way to keep stress out of your life. Processing stressful situations to minimize negative emotions and reactions is a skill that can be taught and learned.

Parents are role models for their children. By displaying an even temper and caring, compassionate approach to life’s challenges, mental health improves. Teaching and encouraging positive, coping mechanisms that foster well-being is highly recommended as a life skill.

07. Promote regular family meals.

Sacred rituals like eating together create emotional harmony and closeness through shared stories at the table about the activities of the day. Health reports that eating together as a family has proven to contribute to better grades for kids and even improved eating habits.

As challenging as it can be to get every family member together at the table together, it can be accomplished by making this special time together a top priority. Breakfast might be easier for some families, while dinner might make more sense for other families.


Practicing good habits contributes to a happy life. There are proven practices that have been shown to create peace and happiness for family members. While there are many paths that lead to happiness, the tips provided above offer reliable suggestions that can be used by any family to improve both mental and physical health.

Mom Blog

All information published on this website about health, diagnosis process, and remedies are for informational purposes only. This website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and is not meant to be a substitute or replacement for any medical treatment. Please visit healthcare professionals for your specific health concerns.

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