The Benefits of Using Plastic Moving Boxes Over Cardboard Boxes

Relocating, especially with kids and abroad, can be hard. However, if you are about to move into the home of your dreams, congrats. Still, moving houses can be one of the most dreadful experiences in your life.

Luckily, you can do a few simple things to make this tedious task a bit more bearable. Some are huge, like decluttering your home before you start packing. The other ones are small, tiny decisions that can be a huge game changer in the long run.

Today we will discuss one such decision – choosing plastic moving boxes over cardboard boxes.

Why go plastic?

For years, cardboard boxes were the go-to choice for people when it came to packing their belongings.

However, with the advent of plastic moving boxes, there has been a shift in preference. Plastic boxes are becoming increasingly popular as they offer many benefits over cardboard boxes.

Even professional movers use plastic boxes due to their reliability and endurance. Well, they use them a lot, so they need to go with the more reliable alternative.

Still, going plastic has far too many benefits, even if you are a single person who, just like any other Brit, doesn’t intend to move in the next ten years.

So, let’s see what plastic boxes bring to the table.

Plastic moving boxes are eco-friendly

By this point, we are all concerned about the planet and looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

Plastic moving boxes are a more eco-friendly option than cardboard boxes. Why? Because plastic boxes are reusable, unlike cardboard boxes, which are typically used once and then discarded.

Plastic boxes are made of high-quality, durable plastic that can withstand multiple moves and be reused in different scenarios. You can easily use them either for storage or when going to the store.

You can also repurpose them to keep your kid’s toys or even fragile equipment that needs to be protected from dust and moisture.

Additionally, they are also recyclable, so when they reach the end of their lifespan, they can be turned into new products, reducing waste and conserving resources.

They are extremely durable

Have you seen that tired comedy gag when someone is trying to move his stuff in a cardboard box only for the box to split open and spill all his belongings on the pavement? Then a car goes through a puddle for good measure, and the audience starts laughing hysterically since the misery of others is a source of joy for some reason.

Well, this wouldn’t have happened if that poor fellow were using a plastic box. Plastic moving boxes are made from high-quality, heavy-duty plastic designed to withstand the rigours of moving. They are much stronger than cardboard boxes and can hold up to 45 kilos.

This means you can confidently pack your belongings, knowing they will be protected during the move.

Additionally, plastic boxes are less likely to rip or tear during transportation, which will displease the cruel audience waiting to see you kicked while you’re down. Still, it will help you secure your belongings and prevent them from damaging.

They are strong

You can even use a plastic box as your child’s portable swimming pool if you have any doubts.

Anything that can withstand a toddler’s curious scratching, beating and tormenting, which it will innocently portray as just playing, can hold up a move or two.

In practice, this means that plastic moving boxes are incredibly strong and sturdy, making them an ideal choice for packing and moving heavy items.

Another bonus is they are designed to withstand the weight of multiple items, making them a more reliable option than cardboard boxes. This added strength means you can stack plastic boxes on top of each other without fear of them collapsing or causing damage to your belongings.

You will not worry about the weather

If you want to entertain that imaginary cruel audience that will laugh at your misfortunes, you can always use cardboard boxes to move your stuff during a downpour.

This would be a comedy goldmine. Still, keeping your belongings damage-free and dry is a far better idea. Thus, using entirely water-resistant plastic containers is a great start.

Naturally, this means you will have one less thing to stress about. It wouldn’t matter if it rains, snows or hails when you are moving. Your belongings will be protected and arrive just as you packed them.

Plastic moving boxes save you time and energy

Packing and moving can be time-consuming and energy-draining, but plastic moving boxes can make it much more manageable. Plastic boxes are typically larger than cardboard boxes, so you can fit more items in each package, reducing the number of containers you need to pack.

Additionally, plastic boxes have built-in handles, making them easy to carry, load, and unload. That’s a dream come true for anyone who tried to balance a cardboard box in one hand while searching for the keys in his pocket because the floor was wet.

Your belongings are safer in a plastic moving box

Plastic moving boxes offer better property protection, which is a huge advantage. They can withstand the bumps and jostles that occur during transportation thanks to them being made of sturdy plastic, keeping your belongings safe and secure.

Additionally, plastic boxes typically come with interlocking lids that prevent them from accidentally opening during the move, which can lead to damage or loss of items.

You should consider buying them instead of renting

Many moving companies offer plastic box rentals, but buying your own may be more cost-effective in the long run. Purchasing moving boxes made of more durable materials allows you to reuse them for future moves or even repurpose them for storage in your new home or office.

Think about that portable toddler swimming pool idea. It’s a golden opportunity.

Additionally, owning your own plastic boxes means you won’t have to worry about returning them to the rental company on time, potentially avoiding additional fees. Remember to look for reliable and affordable movers to make your relocation easier.

So, are you convinced yet?

Of course, you are. Look at you already searching in Google where to buy such containers.

Don’t worry; there are enough of these on the market, so take your time, choose the right amount of boxes you will need, and only then go ahead and make your moving a lot easier and stress-free.

Mom Blog

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